For the best narration results we recommend formatting your article according to these guidelines:
1. Only include text that you want narrated.
If you are uploading a text document, please remove any text that you would like omitted in the narration. Typically this includes text such as:
2. Remove any square brackets from the text.
Sometimes square brackets can break the AI algorithm. Please replace all square brackets [ ] with parentheses ( ) or commas.
3. Add hyphens between the letters of uncommon acronyms.
Our algorithm will be able to pick up common acronyms such as (NGO, WWF), but with uncommon acronyms we can guarantee correct pronunciation if hyphens are inputted between the letters.
Additionally, please note that acronyms that spell a common word, will be read as the word. If you would like the individual letters that make up the acronym read out instead, please add hyphens between each letter.
For plural acronyms please add an apostrophe "s" at the end of the last letter of the acronym
4. To ensure longer pauses use a period.
For colons, semi-colons, em dashes, etc, if you'd like to ensure that a longer pause is consistently applied, we recommend replacing these characters with a period.
5. Lists, bullet points, etc.
By default our algorithm will read lists by the number (ex. One, two, three, four), and bullet points are read as a chain of items with a pause inbetween each item. If you'd like ordinal numbers to be read instead, we recommend replacing the number with the ordinal term:
If you'd like special treatment of bullet points, we also recommend typing out the sepcific term you'd like narrated:
6. Upload a .txt or .doc file